Go Green
Apartment living is by its nature green in that it promotes efficient land use as opposed to single family lot development which encourages sprawl. At Richdale, we recognize the importance of conserving our natural environment. While there is still more to do, our corporate offices and on-site apartment teams have taken significant green strides and we're pleased to share some of their efforts. We will keep you informed as we progress.
Some of our On-Site Efforts at apartment properties include*:
Conversion of chemical dependent chlorine pools to salt water systems
Replacing exterior lighting with more efficient smart bulbs
Utilizing motion sensors/timers in key common areas to ensure lights are off when not needed
Replacing HVAC equipment and appliances with higher efficiency models
Replacing thermostats with digital programmable models in apartments and common areas
Installing ceiling fans in apartments
Utilizing rain stats to control irrigation
Double-sided printing of leases and other documents
Utilizing electronic email to reduce shipping needs
Recycling at our corporate offices, and for residents at some communities
* not all initiatives may be implemented at all sites