Richdale Returns
Not only are we proud to live where we work, we are also proud to give back to the communities in which we work and live. Across the country, our company along with our associates volunteer their time and contribute financially to local causes to make a difference. In many instances, we encourage resident participation. Below we highlight some of our more recent efforts.
Des Moines
Ronald McDonald House
The Ronald McDonald House provide families stability and resources so they can keep their child healthy and happy. Our associates assist in this mission by donating food and toys during the holiday season.
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Texas (SPCA of Texas)
The SPCA is the leading animal welfare agency in North Texas and serves as an active resource center providing an array of programs and services that bring people and animals together to enrich each others’ lives. Richdale associates have donated their time to care for the animals in the various shelters.
Houston Food Bank
Our associates hold food drives at the communities, collecting cans and non-perishables to help fill the stomachs of impoverished individuals in the 18-county service area in and around Houston.
Food Bank of Lincoln
Our associates hold food drives at the communities, collecting cans and non-perishables to help fill the stomachs of impoverished individuals in southeast Nebraska.
Ronald McDonald House
The Ronald McDonald House provide families stability and resources so they can keep their child healthy and happy. Our associates assist in this mission by donating food and toys during the holiday season.
Salvation Army’s Adopt-a-Family
Since the early 2000s, Richdale has participated in this program which provides Christmas presents and food gift cards to families in need in the Omaha/Council Bluffs area.
Ronald McDonald House
The Ronald McDonald House provide families stability and resources so they can keep their child healthy and happy. Our associates assist in this mission by donating food and toys during the holiday season.
Food Bank for the Heartland
The Food Bank provides emergency and supplemental food to the people in need in Nebraska and western Iowa. Our associates hold food drives at our communities to help the more than 21,000 people that need aid.
Other organizations which are supported by Richdale and its partners include:
American Heart Association
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Juvenile Diabetes Research
Special Olympics of Nebraska
United Way of the Midlands